Fuck style dawg, we ridin' in comfort!
Until the Internet becomes sentient and part of Skynet, we need a way to use it to our advantage. Hence Yahoo! and Google search engines. Even though search engines run on unicorn blood and the tears of baby seals, the are quite useful; but the conundrum is which site to use? Now imagine how hard it is to completely type out your query...if there was only a way the precursor to Skynet, which will usher in our robotic overloards, could predict what you might be searching for midway into typing it. Well, you are in luck! All search engines do that now. With computer ESP in mind, here are the results of using certain phrases or words and why, if you have the mentality of a 6 year old, Google is WAY better than Yahoo!.
Example one is easy. Imagine some poor fellow is being emasculated by his newest girlfriend, Chyna, and he starts his search with "why does my girlfriend..."

In this example, Yahoo!, clearly being the more empathetic search engine, understands how this guy feels by suggesting he is clearly within reason to believe that his girlfriend just isn't in to him. However if he went to Google, he'd figure out that not only is unable to arouse her, but she is probably banging her boss and wants to assault him physically. No, be honest, which of these scenarios do you think is more likely....Ya, she's going to beat his ass while banging his dad. That's hot!
Example two: You constantly dress in black and say stuff like "Nietzsche had it nailed" (as if no one actually knew it was Søren Kierkegaard who is regarded as the father of existentialism...duh!) or wearing a "Corporate Magazines Still Suck" T-shirt (which you can, no shit, now buy online ) and you input your simple question of "Why..."

Being the deep person you pretend to be, it's easy to scoff at Yahoo! Come on, "why is the dollar weak"...more corporate crap. "Why did I get married", that's a tool of religion to keeps us dulled to the struggle of mankind. "Why Easter date is early?"...not you are just being patronizing. Google proposes much more insightful questions like "Why do men have nipples..", seriously, why? Throw in some "why is my poop green " and the truly existential question of "Why did the chicken cross the road" and you have a score of Google 2, Yahoo! zilch.
Example three: You just watched Jackass: The Movie and you have to ask "why would you put..."

Example four: You are about to be a guest on the Jerry Springer show and you are afraid you might look like ignorant trash because you didn't know that beast you were sleeping with was either a caring middle aged guy, or your dad, John Phillips, so you go to a search engine to type in "who's your d" and stop because Oprah won't leave you alone about your cocaine use and promiscuous lifestyle.

Yahoo! goes exactly where you think it should with "who's your daddy" and only leaves "who's you DJ" as the real question to ponder. However, this is where Google shows its moxie. The results basically say "Fuck that, we've done that whole 'who's you daddy' thing and frankly it's played out" and then comes back with a question that it thinks you have to consider if you are trying to figure out who your daddy is with "what's my due date". Take that Yahoo! Google just skipped over the question and answered the next logical question. It even asks questions about Internet stuff itself like "what's my domain worth", "what's my dns (server)", and "what's my download speed" as if it is trying to gain self-awareness...maybe you should get used to the phrase "ALL HAIL OUR GOOGLE OVERLORD".
Example five: Everyone has heard of the drinking game "I Never" in which a statement is made and those who have done what is stated is drink. For example, if someone said "I Never...vetoed a bill and in my explanation as to why I cleverly used the first word in every sentence to spell 'Fuck You'" then Arnold Schwarzenegger would have to take a shot. Now imagine being a pro at this type if drinking and free wheeling lifestyle, finding God, and then find yourself in a religious party version of I Never called "I'd Never". In "I'd Never" participants make statements of things they'd never do. And because they are on the path to righteousness, they don't drink anything, because "they'd never". For example, Susan says "I'd never look at pornographic images of a woman making whoopee to another woman". You, in your newly discovered religious virginity, would like to not take a drink, however in your previous party life, girl-on-girl porn was pretty much a Wednesday night, but lucky for you, you can fake it...sort of. But now it is your turn to come up with a question to "I'd Never" and you are afraid to be cast into hell to die a thousands deaths by fire so you turn to your trusty friends, Google and Yahoo!

Ah, good old, faithful Yahoo! Sure it doesn't come back with Celine lyrics, but it knows what he is looking for and has 4 results about lyrics. Google, however, knows what the real deal is though. Sure Yahoo! came back with a weight loss result, but Google knows that sitting at home chronically masturbating to anime while feeding your pie hole extra cheesy enchiladas is the real problem with your relationship, not stupid Celine Dion concerts. It also offers suggestions about how can he get taller, make his hair grow faster, make money, and tells him to stop singing because it really sucks. Google seems to anticipate further problems and also suggest that know the only thing that might save this relationship is having a baby...even if he is the one that carries the baby to term. Right now, Google is inside your head...just like The Cranberries.
Example seven: You are a stalker. No girl has ever really liked you. In fact, all have even called you creepy. To make things even worse, neither of your parents are homozygous recessive for the gay gene...damn you nature! Good news is that as a stalker, "no" is merely a roadblock or at the most a court order. But that won't stop you. There's a new girl at your job. She hasn't yet filed a restraining order and even asked "how's your day". Oh, hellz to the ya! You know that if she ever saw the inner you, she'd want to spend all her life with you...even if it is by force. But who to turn to find out "does my..."

Your reply? "Fuck you Yahoo!...you think the only thing that will love me is flea and worm infected pets!" when in actuality it has done the electronic equivalent of stuttering and trying to distract the crazy person from answering your query truthfully in hopes of not being the first shot in your killing spree. But Google knows what you want...Google knows.