Monday, September 28, 2009

Why This September Was The Best Month EVER!

Ya, this month stupid.

Historically, September is marked by the only holiday that celebrates working by taking the day off. But let's be honest, Labor Day needs to get a shtick. There is no Labor Day flag, no presents, nothing to distinguish it more than a paid sick day. Maybe it can borrow traditions from other holidays like hiding and seeking employee tags made of chocolate, giving each other gifts stolen from work, or how about hanging a paper mache effigy of your boss that you can beat the crap out of that is filled with nickles and rubber bands.

Regardless, Septembers are notoriously boring (obviously excluding the one in 2001) with these events being the highlights in years past:
1895-Louis Pasteur chemist, scientist developed pasteurization process, rabies vaccination, anthrax vaccine, worked with cholera, dies from strokes...the kind that leaves you slobbering out the left side of your face, not the band.
1922-NYC law requires all "pool" rooms to change name to "billiards" and changes "gay bath houses" to "pool" rooms (only one of these is true).
1939-WWII starts, Germany invades Poland, takes Danzig-changes deathmetal forever.
1945-Japan signs treaty to end WWII, turns to creepy looking robots and anime to rule the world.

But none of these years hold a candle to how awesome September 2009 was.

1. Wii be wasting your money

We've heard this story a million times. Undercover cops bust in on drug dealers crib with a search warrant to confiscate drugs and money and then take partake in said drugs and money . While you'd suspect dirty cops would sit around getting high and drinking Jay-Z's finest vodka and ordering some poor rookie to do all the work, in this case you wouldn't be completely wrong. In Florida, Polk Country sheriff's officers, within 20 minutes of entering a suspected drug dealers home, started playing video bowling on the dealer's Wii on his flat panel TV. How would anyone know? Apparently drug dealers are like Richard Nixon, they are paranoid someone is going to play with their Wii. Regardless, fifty-six seconds into the video, you can clearly see the biggest, burliest officer do his best Fred Flintstone bowling impersonation that even Liberace would call "gay". At 1:44 into the video, Polk County sheriff's detective is seen jumping up and down with joy as she gets two strikes in a row while stupid newbies actually search the house. All in all, it only took 13 detectives and three sergeants spent nine hours searching the property, for drugs, stolen property and signs of any illegal drug activity which cost the taxpayers more than $4,000. Then again, if you want to see a true gem, just forward to the 2:30 mark to see how MC Hammer got his sweet moves. The officers did manage to confiscate methamphetamine, marijuana, drug paraphernalia, weapons and more than $30,000 in stolen property...and one Wii.

2. Your Cavalier Attitude STINKS!

Sometimes animals are spiteful little things. They know we domesticated them years ago and some are pissed about it. But what to do? Surely an animal uprising like in Animal Farm is out of the question. Maybe there is a way to just embarrass their human overlords....With this in mind, one horse had had enough of the performing. UVA was hosting TCU in their second game of the college football season. What made this game awesome wasn't football, it was in the pregame activities. Shown here, the pregame ritual of the Cavalier, UVA's mascot, comes trotting out on the field, much to the joy of the fans. As Grandaddy Cavalier comes flying out on his trust steed, Commissar A-Hole, he waves his plastic sword in the air and soaks in the adulation of the packed stadium. That's when der Commissar decides to play a game of "how long can you hang onto a bucking horse?". The answer: One second. What makes this better is the Commissar A-Hole doesn't even allow Grandaddy to gather his dignity as he pulls away each time the old Cavalier tries to mount him leaving Grandaddy standing there looking humiliated, unable to mount a horse, while wearing tights. Moral of the story, if you want people to watch your crappy 0-3 football team, start out animal outwitting your mascot.

3. I'm Moat. Half man, half goat.

Only in Africa could a story of a human/goat hybrid take place. According to the Zimbabwe Guardian, a goat gave birth to the moat and died shortly thereafter. They even show a picture towards the bottom of article which is labeled "Computer generated image of a faun; a creature in Roman mythology depicting human and goat features" which makes sense because it's easier to call it that than to just openly admit they stole a screen shot from "The Chronicles of Narnia". If the idea of a moat being born and dying shortly after wasn't bizarre enough, the residents of the local village burned the corpse in an attempt to rid the town of a curse of being the birthplace of a mythical creature. However, the local governor, thinking that curses are for morons, knew the reason for the moat when he said that it was a half-man, half-goat hybrid was the result of bestiality: "A grown man was responsible for this." Now if this isn't weird enough, a picture of Ole Moatsy was published in an Aussie Newspaper. One question obviously sticks out while gazing at picture "How can this be the baby picture of Mr. Tumnus!?!". No way is this a mythical creature, as it is obviously the offspring of cross-species love making...between a goat and Sloth, from "Goonies".

"Asking for it, that goat was"

4. "Nordberg!!"

Technically, this story makes February awesome, but the finality of it was in September. If you have ever asked yourself "which frozen embryo goes in her", this story should make you feel not as alone. In February, the Savages, an Ohio couple, fresh from a procedure to implant their frozen embryo into the missus, found themselves uterus-deep in a conversation that had to been one of the most awkward. "Mrs. Savage, I know you and this big lug here have been pretty unsuccessful trying to get pregnant. Well, I have good news and bad news. Congrats, you're pregnant. Unfortunately, it is with the Morell's embryo and the really bad news is, they are from Detroit". The 40-year old Mrs. Savage then decided to do her best impersonation of the Easter Bunny, and carry the egg to term and then give the baby to the Morells anyway, where they promptly sold it into child slavery because "hey, we weren't expecting it, didn't birth it, and we live in Motown, we need the money". It's still hard to decide if this is the most sincere form of altruism or the most disturbing way to get out of sex with Mr. Savage.

5. I'll take a venti latte, with low-fat breast milk

What Washington state needs more than a plague of apple maggots is another goddamn coffee shop that charges $8 for a cup of coffee! So what to do to distinguish your business when you are going to the bank to ask for a loan to open another coffee shop? Now, imagine you are a buxom young lady who loves money and is trying to play out her daddy issues. How are you going to distinguish yourself from all the other pretty women for a job where you get paid a lot for doing very little? Well, this report from Everett, WA, the answer is the "Grab-N-Go Bikini Hut".

Like this, but with less heart and more T and A.

Now the idea of having a coffee stand staffed with bikini-clad baristas isn't a new one. What did distinguish this business and it's staff is that they charged patrons money to take pictures of them...naked and licking whipped cream off each other. These java hos would also let you mildly molest them, for the right amount of money of course. Finally! Coffee that any man would gladly pay $20 for. However, allowing men to grab you for money is apparently considered prostitution and this business was investigated by the local police after receiving 40 complaints, presumably because a few Debbie Downers actually just wanted coffee!?! Unfortunately, those who were hit the hardest were the undercover detectives themselves. These poor bastards had to be the Johns to the Juan Valdez's brothel and video these women doing such acts as getting naked and allowing men to toss wadded up money into the undergarments of these caffeine sirens. Adding to the misery is that it took the detectives TWO MONTHS to wrap up their investigation. Imagine all that crappy coffee and no donuts. Oh, the humanity...the humanity.

6. Bartender, make mine a double.

Some people are so efficient with their time, they'd rather do two things that might take a little longer than the one task just to get it out of the way. The same is true for pregnancy. In this video, what's more shocking than a woman who was impregnated two weeks after initially becoming pregnant, is the interview that follows. "These embryos aren't twins". OH SNAP. You mean if you conceive at different times, the kids aren't genetically identical? Holy crap, thank you Dr. Obvious. Further into the video. we witness Dr. Old Man River interview Dr. Barbie Dull. It's surprising to see two seemingly educated people talk about a dual pregnancy with the knowledge base anyone could attain by going to Web M.D. And what is the most uncanny thing about an obese woman from Arkansas being impregnated twice with 2 weeks? Is it the that only 10 reported cases has ever been documented and is extremely rare? Is it the fact that the father could also be her brother? No. According to Dr. Barbie, it's the fact if born on their respective due dates, one child will be born in December 2009 and the other two weeks later in January 2010. How fun! Sometimes M.D. really just stands for mentally disabled.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ten internet memes even your momma should know

Not pictured: God's disapproval

Let's be real, some of you all are posers. Not even the kind that can fake it very well. You know how to surf for porn, but, honestly, who can't. But do you truly understand the "world wide web"? How can you even reference an idea steeped in pop culture without having to explain it to everyone? Ever heard of a meme? No? Ha! Poser.

In case you missed it, everyone is in the mist of the formation of a new internet meme. Now in case you missed it at the MTV Video Music Awards (the truest definition of an oxymoron), Kanye West's newest ego, Doileyhead Crazy Horse, decided to tell everyone who would listen how his opinion is awesome and reinforcing the idea that the only thing that scares a frail, white woman who sings country music is a drunk, black man charging after her taking what's in her hand. Now this sensation has spawned one of the newest internet memes. So this seems to be the perfect time to introduce (or reintroduce) you interweb newbies the electronic hilarity every other virgin is in on.

1. 300

This is madness. This is blasphemy! THIS IS THE MEN'S ROOM!

Ok, so using a movie as a meme is sort of an easy formula. Blood, guts, malformed chicks with boobs, and abs that make women and gay guys care about a movie featuring blood, guts, and boobs. What puts it over the top is great quotes such as "THIS IS SPARTA!" and "Tonight we dine in Hell". It is only as good as all the photoshopped pictures involving King Leonidas and the movie quotes. As of now, it looks as if the Kanye meme will follow the 300 template.

2. It's A Trap

Of all the lines to come from this Trilogy, I would have put money on "Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf Herder." or " They shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness." (to which now you would reply, "THIS IS THE EMPIRE"). However, you'd be wrong. Typically this is found in social websites like Reddit and Digg where it usually is a comment about things involving, well, a trap.

3. Three wolves and a moon

A must for all Duran Duran fans

This is a typical story of many unimaginative Midwesterns whose hobbies are making jewlery out of rhinestones, collecting dream catchers, and daydreaming about being animals. But how can you cash in on this? By putting it on a shirt and selling it on of course (it's one of the top selling apparell item on Amazon in 2009)! I hear wearing this shirt can do many things, such as making hot dogs taste like filet mignon, cure jock itch, and grant you the ability to communicate with badgers through telepathy! It's probably a good thing that continued existence of the internet is fueled by cheese.

4. PedoBear

The unofficial mascot of NAMBLA.

The origins of this meme is as elusive the popularity of the Jonas Brothers. By all accounts, it appears to have started on 4chan, an imageboard website where people were have said to link the pedobear image (thought to come from an anime that has a "child friendly" bear) to pedophilic images posted by other anonymous posters. And much like the video of Lady Gaga's penis "joke", it spread like wild-fire. It even spawned it's own clothing line. Because nothing threads the needle of hilarity more than looking like a guy who is proud of an internet meme or someone who says "screw it, I like children and I'm tired of hiding it" than wearing a PedoBear shirt...or a Roman collar.

5. Rickroll

Holy crap!!! Can you believe what she said!!! Crazy, you just got Rickrolled. Be honest, you listened to the whole thing didn't you? It was such an internet sensation of tricking people, that the fans of the New York Mets decided to Rickroll the organization when they put up an online poll on what the new seventh inning stretch song should be. Probably the only time fans of the Mets had a good time since 1986.

6. Keyboard cat

Is not the same as being Rickrolled. It's more of a modern day way to take to hook and pull someone off stage after a gaffe. Anyone who has been to a Woot-off! has probably seen it. The cat's name is Fatso and this clip is so popular, it even spawned it's own website! And in case you are keeping score: the keyboard cat>>than anything you have ever done....EVER!

7. Leeroy Jenkins

"As old as the internet" as some would call this, but it's still surprising people don't know about ol' LEEEEEROOOOOY JENKINS! It combines the computer game, World of Warcraft, that the basement dweller, chronic-masturbating nerds love so much with the assholeness of most gamers. Why is it hilarious? To quote Sun Tzu, "The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses has some asshat rush in and fucks it all up"...or something like that.

8. Nannerpuss

Another in a long line of great ideas from the makers of Moons over My Hammy. Except for the fact that the nannerpuss is infinitely cooler than a free Grand Slam breakfast. The only thing stopping nannerpuss from becoming our Breakfast Overlord is, of course, bacon. Oh, and FYI, while your grandmother was making commercials, my grandmother was making me the mother fuckin NANNERPUSS!

9. O RLY?

Not pictured: That turd with the lightning bolt scar.

We all know now that sarcasm does not translate well to the written form of English. Nor is there better ways of calling BS to some who is either stating the obvious or outright lying on internet posts (isn't that right you illiterate dipshit?). Well those sociopaths at 4chan one day were trying to figure out the word filter replacement and discovered repost=owl. Soon, a snow owl image from wildlife photographer John White was photoshopped with the saying "O RLY?" as a show of sarcasm, presumably because even in 2001, people where already bored with using LOL, JK, and that stupid winky face.

10. You're with me, leather

"He..could..go..all...the...way"...into your pants

Sure, I could have went with more popular ones such as "more cowbell", "the cake is a lie", anything with having to do with Chuck Norris, or "all your bases are belong to us". However, none of these really embody the douchiness that is Chris Berman. The story goes (as reported to Deadspin) that a gentleman was hitting on a good looking woman in a bar wearing leather pants (apparently, she just got done dancing in a Winger video) and a leather jacket draped over the back of her chair. Things were supposedly going well until Berman, who was in town covering spring training, walked up to the woman and said "You with me, leather". The woman, recognizing the ESPN personality, immediately grabbed her jacket and left with him to presumably get him drunk and steal his kidney because honestly, look at him; NutraSystem doesn't make you younger or more attractive. While you would think this would make anyone sound cool (except for any chick who would service a guy who sometimes wear a turbin along with wearing out terrible catch phrases and nicknames), but apparently he and ESPN are a bit defensive about it. Now the term is more about self absorbed people doing self absorbed things, regardless of how many kidneys they have. Certainly some will be glad for when he finally goes back, back, back, back, GONE!...from TV.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hello, My Name is Bob Zombie.

Did I stain my crappy track suit?

As we all know, there is an impending zombie apocalypse right around the corner and if you don't have a plan, you won't find yourself in the middle of a Hannibal Lecter scene. Mmmm, is that sage butter? So here a few tips to surviving (or prolonging) the massacre.

It is imperative that you get food. I hear brains are good this time of year. Now remember, all you have at your disposal is an insatiable appetite and the ability to run fast, but like a retarded kid. Other than that, you are going to have to re-learn a few things in your newly altered state.
  • Go to Wal-Mart.

Everyone knows that there will be a plethora of food there. Just think, there will be distinct group of people after the apocalypse, those that are smart and those that are begging to be food. Anyone with any survival skills will probably already have stashed food in a bunker somewhere in a remote part of the woods. However, a vast majority will be caught completely unaware and will rush straight to the biggest store carrying almost everything you need. Here you should find not only find a nice supply of obese people (probably in the cookie/candy aisle) but based on other natural disasters, there will be a lot of very stupid people looting the electronics section. Note to self, stay away from the sporting goods department. Guns bad.

  • Eat people, don't make more zombies.

Obviously zombification is viral based, like HIV and mental retardation. Even with a primitive brain, it should be intuitive that making more and more zombies is a bad idea because it really is just a matter of time until you have more zombies than food.

  • Ration food

Sure, at first everything will be like a walking all-you-can-eat buffet, but after ransacking Wal-Mart and supermarkets, you will probably eliminate over 3/4 of the sheeple population. You don't always have to eat 4 humans, when 2 will do. The ones that are easy to catch will be even easier later on. All you need is a bag of Funyuns, a box trap, and some patience.

Now comes the hard part. Getting that hard to reach food. Anyone who has ever spent more than a day or two daydreaming about planning a way to avoid being zombie crumpets, have many details in common. One is to access to a lightly armored amphibious vehicle:

Like this, but with more machine guns and bikini-clad women.

Everyone knows that zombies lack certain motor skills that come natural to babies and shady apartment repairmen. Because of this, swimming and turning door knobs are removed from our already lean arsenal. However, what does work in your favor is that whether on island in a lake or locked in homes, these people will eventually have to come out to refill their supplies of bacon and party supplies and because of this, these people will be the last on the menu (think of them as blood pudding, but with human blood).

Picking off a smattering of random people shouldn't prove to be that difficult. Zombies are like those creepy, older guys hanging around a Jonas Brothers concert in that they have only one thing on their mind and not even jail is enough to deter them. The real problem are those groups of people who were smart enough to hunker down in a building fortified with spotlights and machine guns. The real smart ones will also have a couple of dogs on guard because animals strongly react to the smell of brains and gingivitis. So as a zombie, how can you overcome dogs, machine guns, locked doors and sheer kick-assedness?

  • Trick your fellow zombies

You can't always go head long across an open field to get at your victims, er, food. Those people who are prepared have obviously mined the area and have snipers on the roof of these buildings (duh). That being said, there is only one tactic to use, overwhelming numbers. Overwhelming numbers are always better because the can always overcome the amount of ammo people can carry, regardless of what the video game industry may have you believe. To survive this scenario, you have to be to utilize a simple idiom people seem to adhere to, "a crowd attracts a crowd". Simply put, by moaning and running while flailing you arms excitedly, you will incite the rest of the zombie mob to start running, preferable angrily and with determination. All you have to do is point them in the directly of all the defenses of the building. Just wait and let the rest of your fellow brain dead brethren take the brunt of the assault. It'll make the opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan seem like Bambie, but on crack.

Not pictured: Nazi Michael Jackson

Think of this as the zombie version of bob and weave. Zombies tend to not think and come up with simple military strategies probably because they are as excited as a 14 year old looking through a Victoria's Secret catalog. While the main group is getting slaughtered, simply flank the building. While all the attention is focused on the main wave, this allows you to go to the side to break down any boarded up windows. From this point, it is probable that some zombies will see your success and try to follow you. This is where you grab whoever you can within reach. DO NOT go inside the building no matter what tempting thing is further inside (apparently, even zombies love The Hills). Let the other zombies run single file into the window because it will likely result in a big boomstick putting a hole in your eyeballs holder (for the record, that is bad). Repeating this tactic will result in stringing the zombies around to several points of entries overwhelming those pesky, unaffected bastards regardless how many flamethrowers they have. Can a brother get some hot sauce?

Mazaltof (Drank). You're about to discover that Mother Nature hates you too.

Congratulations!!! You have eaten all the humans within your immediate vicinity. What's next? Sit back, unloosen your tattered pants holding your in distended, discolored belly and enjoy the countryside view. It won't be long now before the hunger pains drive you so insane you rip out your own innards for lunch. Success never tasted so, well, disgusting.